Rick Looser, President and COO of The Cirlot Agency, began his speech to graduates and attendees of Jones County Junior College’s 91st Spring Commencement Ceremony with a mixture of humor and heart. Looser joked about skipping his own graduation ceremony, before taking a quick selfie to send to his mom, who had always wanted a photo of him in his cap and gown.
Acknowledging that his audience, the Jones County Junior College graduating class, varied in age, life experience, and plans for the future, Looser was inspired to craft a message that would be relevant to all in attendance.
Looser expanded on Mark Twain’s assertion that “the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why,” explaining that he believes there are several “days you find out why” throughout a person’s lifetime. Citing personal experience, Looser identified three separate “whys” related one’s family, character, and faith.
In closing, Looser imparted advice and encouragement to the graduates, saying, “Find that faith that means the most to you. There are myriad problems. There are myriad solutions. There is no doubt in my mind that, when you leave here today, you are going to be part of the solution.”