Day 1 – Monday, September 22

The Cirlot Agency arrived on the University of Mississippi campus today for Day 1 of our week-long stay in Oxford to assist the University with PR efforts for the first of the 2008 Presidential Debates. After months of planning and preparation, it is hard to believe this week has finally arrived.

There was a feeling of excitement today as we entered the town of Oxford and drove onto the campus of Ole Miss. Debate banners filled the streets, large banners hung from the tops of historic buildings and media began to broadcast live on the sidewalks of campus.
Our day today began with a logistics meeting where we began to iron out details regarding our specific debate duties, which was followed by a trip to the media filing center. I will spend the majority of my time in the media filing center and spin alley where I will be working with the thousands of local, national and international print media covering the Presidential Debate. My specific job is to assist the media in any way possible and help them see who Ole Miss is today and the opportunities it offers.
Nothing in the University’s history compares to the Presidential Debate in terms of opportunity. The Presidential Debate on September 26 promises to change future public perceptions of the University, and we are excited to be a part of helping Ole Miss achieve new levels of greatness.
Please check back tomorrow for Day 2, as it will be filled with a site visit of the overall Debate perimeter, numerous on-campus PR meetings and on-campus interviews as more and more members of the media begin to arrive.

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